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The Client

Alamode by Akanksha is a women’s fashion brand that offers a diverse range of styles and collections catering to the unique body shapes, personalities, and preferences of Indian women. With their mission to provide apparel that complements a woman’s individuality without sacrificing aesthetic appeal, over the years, Alamode has carved out a niche in the fashion world, becoming an essential part of every modern Indian woman’s wardrobe.

The Objective

Since there were no page titles or descriptions on the website, naturally, the first step of the process was to add titles tags and meta descriptions sitewide.

The objective of this campaign was to gain insights into the impact of optimizing these important on-page elements, and potentially use this information to inform other SEO strategies moving forward. It can be further broken down into:

  • Optimize the title tags and meta descriptions for web pages using best practices for keyword targeting, character length, and persuasive messaging
  • Monitor the impact of the optimizations on the search engine rankings over a period of time
  • Analyze the results to determine the effectiveness of optimizing title tags and meta descriptions for improving SEO performance

The Challenge

The website had been launched months prior to the optimization initiative, but it was not getting the desired visibility. 

Despite having a high-quality product range, the site was struggling to rank for non-brand keywords, which were important for generating organic traffic and attracting new customers.

One of the reasons why the website wasn’t ranking at all was because it lacked two elements that are critical components of on-page SEO and provide important information to both search engines and users.

Title tags are the HTML elements that define the title of a page, which appears in the search engine results page (SERP) and browser tab. An effective title tag should accurately describe the page’s content and include relevant keywords. Meta descriptions, on the other hand, are HTML elements that provide a brief summary of the content of the page. This description appears in the SERP and can influence whether a user clicks through to the page or not.

If title tags and meta descriptions are missing or incomplete, it can make it difficult for search engines to understand what the page is about and how it relates to user search queries. This can lead to a lower ranking or even no ranking at all. And this was just the case for Alamode’s website. Majority of their category pages didn’t rank at all.

The Solution

To improve the website’s visibility, we decided to optimize the title tags and meta descriptions across all product and category pages. Our goal was to create compelling, keyword-rich titles and descriptions that would potentially help increase the website’s visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

In the technical audit that was conducted, we discovered that the title tags and meta descriptions weren’t a part of the code of the website. To address this issue, the code for title tags and meta descriptions that was missing was corrected. 

Now that the technical difficulty had been taken care of, for the first step in the broader on-page strategy, it was important to conduct a deeper website audit to identify pages with missing or incomplete tags and then update them with relevant and optimized tags. 

By ensuring that all pages have accurate and complete title tags and meta descriptions, the website can improve its chances of ranking higher on Google and attracting more traffic.

To achieve this, we conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-volume, relevant keywords that the website could target. We analyzed the search terms that users were using to find similar products, and we also looked at the website’s current rankings and visibility data to identify areas for improvement and benchmark.

Once we had identified the target keywords and their relevant combinations, we began optimizing the website’s title tags and meta descriptions. We ensured that each page had a relevant title and meta description that accurately described the content of the page and included the target keywords.

The Result

The results of the title tags and meta description optimization were hard to miss. 

Within just two months of implementing the new title tags and meta descriptions, the website’s non-brand visibility increased by 157.61%

The non-branded keyword coverage of the website increased by 156% 

Not only that, the total number of keywords ranking in top 10 increased by 260%

This meant that the website was appearing in SERPs for a wider range of keywords, which in turn led to an increase in organic visibility.


In conclusion, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions can have a significant impact on a website’s visibility. By targeting high-volume, relevant keywords in their title tags and meta descriptions, websites can increase their visibility in SERPs and potentially attract new customers.

This case study demonstrates the importance of investing in on-page optimization as a part of a broader SEO strategy. While it may seem like a small aspect of SEO, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions can have a significant impact on a website’s success.


Increase in Non-Brand Visibility


Increase in Non-Brand Keywords


Increase in Keywords Ranking in Top 10 Position

Before & After: A Category Page

Before & After: A Product Page